Social media is a great tool to communicate with our family and friends but it's important to be mindful of what we post, where we post it and who we share it with. In this educational video we're going to give you advice on how to protect our online privacy. We should be careful with what we share, even more so if it's personal information that we wouldn't like other people to know about. Sharing is a responsibility.
Your first and most critical line of defense for cyber security is your password. Common words or names of kids or pets can be easy to guess. Here are some tips to help make sure your password can withstand an assault.
Would you ever walk into a giant arena full of strangers and make it rain postcards with your phone number and home address? No? Then what are you doing publishing those details online, where anyone in the WORLD can access them? It's easy to forget that the information we put on social media is visible not only to our actual social circles, but to our friends' friends and their friends' friends...and that creepy guy halfway across the world who you've never met. So, today we break down the importance of setting strict privacy settings, choosing strong passwords and other steps you can take to ensure you stay safe online. Good news! Internet safety is easier than you think.
Students are introduced to copyright, fair use, and the rights they have as creators
It's an unfortunate truth of the internet: Some online spaces can be full of negative, rude, or downright mean behavior. But what kinds of behaviors qualify as cyberbullying? Help your students learn what is -- and what isn't -- cyberbullying, and give them important tools they'll need to combat the problem.
Sharing photos, posting comments, playing video games -- these are just a few of the ways that kids interact online, but sometimes there are risks. Learn five ways to keep your kids safe on the internet.
Give customers a reason to do business with you. It’s natural for our students to enjoy sharing and connecting with others. But sharing information online can sometimes come with risks. So, how do we teach kids to build strong, positive, and safe relationships online? Help your students learn the difference between what’s personal, and what’s best left private.
Cyberbullying is something most families hope they never have to deal with. But if your kids are texting, sharing photos, and posting comments, it’s important to talk to them about how to deal with online harassment. Learn 5 ways to stop cyberbullies.